Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2025: STRATA John Meade: It's personal! Current: Gail Mabo, Lisa Waup, and Dominic White Dancing the music: Philippa Cullen 1950–1975 The McClelland collection Centre 5: bridging the gap Fiona Foley: Veiled paradise A thousand different angles Site and sound: sonic art as ecological practice Madelynne Cornish: Borderlands Inside out – space and process: Erwin Fabian and Anne-Marie May Haus Werk: The Bauhaus in contemporary art SERIAL Solid light: Josef Stanislaw Ostoja-Kotkowski Pia Van Gelder: Psychic synth II / Apparition apparatus Annette Warner, Atlas of memory: (re)visualising Gordon Ford’s natural Australian garden Sanné Mestrom: Black paintings Another dimension Framing nature Tina Haim – Tina Haim-Wentscher – Tina Wentcher sculptor: 1887–1974 Stephen Haley: Out of place Matthew Bird: Dormitorium